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Well here we are, in the third week of being in Greece. The cold is very hard sometimes but it gets so much easier when the sun comes out and everything looks so much less depressing. The sun really seems to come out a lot and it truly is a gift. Along with being able to go down to the bay whenever we would like is just so amazing. But I feel like this week it was really getting used to that pattern of life that we would be living for the next month. So let’s get to it!

Monday of course is adventure day! I think I made a little mistake in my last blog and I am just noticing now but I think it will be okay. For adventure day this week we did go to the White Tower and if you remember from last time it was pretty much just a massive tower with multiple different rooms explaining the history of Thessaloniki and then at the top you could look out into the city of Greece. The previous adventure day I didn’t go out because I wasn’t feeling well so I decided to stay home and rest. But the others went to an underground museum. Then Tuesday of course was the refugee center. I want to say this has probably become my favorite ministry while we are here. I think it is because we get to walk there every Tuesday and Thursday so I get my exercise in and now I have been working behind the counter serving tea and coffee so I actually feel like I’m doing something helpful. Instead of just sitting at a table waiting for someone to talk to us. And I mean yes sometimes it can be very frustrating when I have no idea what they are saying and they get upset but it is a learning process and we are working our way through it bit by bit and it is actually so much fun. And even if it’s not massive connections that I’m making I am making connections by just being there every week smiling and serving coffee and or tea! This Wednesday we started a new ministry! Usually there would be half our team doing a Bible study and the other half doing evangelism. But from now until we leave we are still going to be doing the Bible study but instead of going out and evangelizing the other half of the team will be going to a children’s camp out in the mountains to help clean it and help with small tasks in its off session. So this week Jaylynn, Naty, Ava, Lucy, and I went to help. We were picked up by Chris who was the guy who runs the camp. When we got there I was actually really surprised because it was really well put together with some really nice buildings and nice landscaping. There was a farm with goats, sheeps, chickens, ducks, and even ponies! Also the sun came out and we got a beautiful view of the mountains all around us. But while we were there we cleaned the kitchen and also cleaned out a common area that was collecting water and mopped out the water so it could dry out and the mold would stop growing. Because let me tell you the mold on that ceiling could supply multiple science class projects. But Chris was so nice and we got to have lunch with him and then someone who was volunteering there as well; his name was Phillip. It was really nice to talk to both of them and we had some really nice conversations. But we left around 3 pm and we took the bus home. It was a nice experience because I don’t think I’ve ridden public transport more than once. It did take a little longer to get home just because the bus made stops and the closest stop to our house was a fifteen minute walk, but all in all it wasn’t bad. Thursday instead of going to the refugee camp we went on a prayer/history walk around the lower city with Justin. He took us to different sites around the city, shared the history of it and then told us about the different things we could pray about. It was a great experience to explore the city and learn its history but also an amazing opportunity to pray for the city of Thessaloniki. Friday of course was evangelism day but today I was with Lucy while she had her one on one so I was just there at Moses Coffee working and/or doing what he needed help with. That was an interesting day because there was someone that Naty and Emery brought to the coffee shop who wasn’t the greatest person and we quickly had to leave but it was definitely an interesting experience. Saturday was of course Sabbath and I don’t really do much of anything interesting on those days but sleep, eat, read and watch movies. But I feel fine doing that because that’s how I feel rested, so I’m fine with that. Sunday was church! Usually church consists of talking for a while and then a message and then more talking but even though that doesn’t sound like a lot it takes a while to do. But Vikky, Antonis wife is always so kind and translates for us so we are able to understand the message. Then after church we help close up the shop and go home. We usually then have one to two hours where we listen to worship music and journal and I do want to say that has been really nice to decompress. And with that we finish out our third week here in Greece!

I feel like I always struggle with praying and praying out loud so I did a devo on praying and I think it would be really helpful to others to hear as well! So this is going off the verse Romans 12:12 which says, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” As we enter the new normal maybe we are adjusting or maybe we are now starting to adopt or maybe we are starting to be complacent. The fight is not done yet, keep praying! Be patient in our troubles. The fight is not done yet, we need to be vigilant. Next to our faith, the weapon God gave us is prayer. Pray without ceasing. He knows what to do. There is a tendency to put our guards down thinking we know what to do next. We need to Rejoice in our hope which is our Lord Jesus. We rejoice that unlike others there is something to look forward to and hope for. When life gives you more that you can stand kneel to God, He knows what you want and wants to give it to you.

Something that I would love prayer for is continued health in the team. Also that we are able to make deep connections with people we meet and that we won’t have fear when sharing the good news.

Friendly cat at ministry!

When I say there are cats everywhere you look I’m not over exaggerating.

Sun at ministry!

One response to “Sun, Sea, and History”

  1. I love the snippets of life you pass along, and the fun dialogue with the reader! The verse you centered your devotion around is a good encouragement to me today. “Be joyful in hope. Patient in affliction. Faithful in prayer.” Thank you for sharing.

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