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So there we were falsely accused of murder! Separated from our other colleges, we knew we had to get out but didn’t know how. Luckily for us there was a guard who was willing to help us. We had to escape quickly and quietly. We only had an hour to escape before the guards came back and we were stuck in there forever. As the minutes ticked by we inched closer and closer to escaping. We knew we didn’t have much time left as we tired to solve the puzzles to the last clue to escaping. But then with a stroke of gunius we figure out the answer to the last problem and the door slammed open and we escaped with out lives. Did I grab your attention yet? Well since you are this far anyway why don’t you keep reading because this story has so many exciting stories.

Well this was our last month in Greece. It was full of exciteing experiences, laughs, and time spent with people who I love. The first week of February all the leaders went on a little retreat to North Macedonia, so we were on our own. That Monday we decided to go to an escape room. And let me say it was some of the best time I’ve had in a while. I hang officially been in one yet so to have that experience was really amazing. We had so much fun that we decided to go to one right after we did the other one. That one was so much harder but I still had a lot of fun just because I was with my friends. The rest of the week was pretty normal with the refugee center on Tuesday and Thursday, Wednesday being the Bible study. Friday doing evangelism, Saturday was Sabbeth and then Sunday we went to church. Next Monday was Super Bowl Sunday and because we are seven hours ahead it was Super Bowl Monday for us. Very early Monday. And even though I only got a couple hours of sleep that night it was worth it to watch it. I’ve never really been invested in football but we made it interesting and turned it into a laughing party like we usually do with my team. Again it wasn’t a super exciting week with all of the ministry’s going like usual. But Saturday we were invited to go to our host’s house for dinner! I do want to say at first I was a little upset that I wasn’t able to sabbath but it turned out to be such a good experience. His wife made us a really yummy Greek dish, however I did in fact forget the name of said dish but I do remember the ingredients. It was these long hollow noodles kinda like penne but longer and thinner. Then there was meat and a cheese sauce. It was so good. Then after we ate we watched My Fat Greek Wedding which I had never actually watched before or heard of it but I got to watch it twice. Sunday was church and more rest. Monday we didn’t really have plans because there wasn’t a lot to do in Thessaloniki to begin with but we did most of it. So we just kinda just stayed home and rested. Tuesday and Thursday refugee center. They started doing something different the last couple of weeks where they started making home cooked meals instead of just the sandwiches and the meals were so good. But we also started helping out in the baby room a lot more and that was a ton of fun because it was watching babies, coloring and talking to each other. Wednesday was bible study and it was actually one of the women’s birthdays so we were able to celebrate with her. Even though she didn’t speak English Vicky was able to translate for us. All of them were super sweet. Also on Thursday we were able to go to Justin and Katie’s house. They were an American couple with three little kids who live in Thessaloniki and have been there for just a little under a year and we were able to have some fire Greek food. I also discovered my favorite Greek food which was fried feta covered in honey. It was one of the best things that my mouth has ever tasted. Friday was evangelism and it was one of the first times I had fun doing it because people were more open to it today for some reason but it was really nice. Saturday we went out to lunch with all the Bible study ladies and I tired fried squid for the first time. It was actually tasted a lot better than I though it would and I ate all that I took. It was really nice because that was the last time we would see those ladies. Sunday we officially said goodbye to everyone. So the plan originally was to visit Athens on Valentine’s Day for like two days but we decided to leave Thessaloniki a little earlier because then we would have to pay for the transportation to get to Athens. On Monday Christos, the guy who runs the Christian camp we help at, generously took us to visit Philippi. It was a really cool experience especially since you are walking were history took place. I had a lot of fun but on the ride back I started to feel really bad. At first I just thought it was car sickness but it quickly turned into more. We got back around four and then around three hours later I threw up. Honestly, I want to say throwing up for twelve hours straight wasn’t the worst part. It wasn’t even being insanely tired because I couldn’t fall asleep. The worst part was that my parents weren’t there to help me through it. But thankfully after throwing up until there was physically nothing left I felt so much better. And even though it sounds awful(which it was, I’m not ignoring that part) I was so grateful that I wasn’t sick while we had to travel and I was 100 percent feeling better by the time we had to leave. Wednesday we officially left the place I had called home for the last two months. Five hours later we arrived in Athens and we got onto the subway and headed to the place where we would be staying for the next two days. And let me tell you that it was the fanciest place I probably will and have stayed in over the course of this trip. But after we settled in we were off to explore Athens. We had so much fun, talked, ate, laughed, and visited really old buildings, and went shopping. We got back and I headed for an early bed time because we were going to visit the Acropolis the next morning. The next morning we got to the Acropolis bright and early and headed in. When we got to the top it was the most beautiful view I had ever seen. And don’t worry I’ll definitely put photos in but I don’t think those will do it even close to justice. And that’s probably a good thing but after that we went to Mar’s Hill. And it overlooked almost the entire city, I could have sat there for hours. However a little hiccup. About two years ago there was a train crash. Now I don’t know all the details but I do know that the people weren’t to happy about it so they hold protests on the 28th. But I bet you’re saying to yourself, “But Katriya, you went to see the Acropolis on the 27th.” And to that I say you are absolutely correct, but since AIM cares for our safety they said that we could only see the Acropolis and then we had to immediately come back. I do want to say that we are lucky that they even let us do that. But I think it was because we had already bought the tickets. But even though we didn’t get to explore a lot, I do want to say it was a one of a kind experience and I was glad I got to do it. That night we watched Mama Mia, another movie I hadn’t watched yet. I did however know a lot of the songs in it. Then the next morning we packed up and headed out to a camp just outside to meet the rest of the squad and head out of Greece.

A little devo I did this week was about being stressed or feeling stressed. James 1:2-4, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” This is the time to prove your faith and patience. Know that what you’re going through isn’t going to last forever. John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” We know that Jesus’s peace is so strong that it’s able to calm storms, so we should know that His peace is strong enough to calm out troubles. Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Jesus tells us to come to him fro rest. We care too much about worldly things which causes stress. Taking time to pray, sing, or study the Bible can help with relieving stress. God will always be there to listen. Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Something you can keep in your prayers is continued prayer for health always. That travel day goes smoothly and that there is no complications. Also play for everyone who was a part of the protests of the 28th. Near the capital a lot of violent riots broke out, so prayer for anyone who got hurt and just safety in general.

Cute cat we found in Philippi Some ruins of Philippi

Lunch with Bible study ladies

Beautiful sunset Public Transport Little orange grove next to our home Valentine’s Day board Decorations in our hallway

Our amazing host

Elevator picture!

Some of the best Greek food ever!

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